December 2024 Update
Well, I missed September, October, and November regular updates, but it was for a good cause—I rode a wave of momentum and wrote up to the halfway point of MK2. I struggled with the first third of the first half of the second act. It took me five painful months to get through that part, but the last two-thirds of that section flowed fast over the next three months. It went so fast and flowed so smoothly, that I was unwilling to take a break to write a blog update and take even the slightest momentum hit.
I would’ve liked to keep the momentum going into the second half of the second act, but as if often the case for pantsers and my writing process, I now need to slow down to get an idea of where to go next. I have solid handles on the two main protagonists, but, as usual, it’s the antagonist off screen that I need to figure what they’re up to and how that will intersect with the main storylines.
I started writing MK2 in July 2023 and set a goal of completing the zero draft in two years, which would put it at July 2025 (seven months away!). I’m not sure how achievable that is anymore—I’ll have to see how the next few months shape up. If I can keep up the writing speed I had through September-November once I start drafting again, then it’s possible. If not, then my fall-back position is to write up to the third plot point by July and finish it by end of 2025.
One thing that has helped the writing speed is all the work I put into building a series bible. It’s super helpful to remember character characteristics, settings, descriptions, etc. It makes editing ten times easier and helps the story feel more flushed out when I can look up details and drop them in confident they’re consistent with earlier parts of the story. The only drawback is keeping the series bible regularly updated—that’s often what I chose to do instead of writing a blog post when I wasn’t drafting the last few months.
I’ll update how 2024 went writing wise next time and layout some 2025 targets. Hopefully, I’ll also be able to report that I’m drafting again by then or at least close to starting to draft.