Celebrating One Year of Indie Publishing
April marks my one year Indie publishing birthday!
Approximately one year ago today, on April 17th, 2014, I released Voices in the Deep my first ever Indie publication. Since then I have released a total of seven Indie publications (!) and learned a near un-quantifiable (and satisfying) amount about publishing. It’s been frantic at times, but always a blast. Connecting directly with readers who enjoy your work makes it all worth it.
To celebrate the first year of Indie Publishing, I collected the first five stories I Indie published into one volume called Vacationing Offworld: Ballard’s Speculative Fiction Collection 1. I also included three never before publishing stories in the collection that I felt were too short to release on their own. So look for those! The collection will be the only place they’re available. And! And! I wrote an introduction to each story: the story behind the story, as fun bonus material. I talk a bit about inspiration for the story and some of the writing process involved. I always enjoy reading those in collections, so I hope y’all do too.
The first year was incredible. And the second year is shaping up to be even better.